I have arrived! A country girl now in the big city. I had a long weekend before school started, so I planned a mock day to familiarize myself with my new surroundings. I found a natural food store close to the house and since riding the light rail everyday would be my means of commuting, I took a ride into the city and to my school. The day went off fairly flawlessly, uncertainty was all around me. I had to keep staying brave, look forward, and trust this new story I was beginning to live. I wanted to run back so many times.
New school, new life, new study. Academia was not my strong suit, but I got straight A’s as a social butterfly! I have now stepped into anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology – oh my! I am Dorothy on the yellow brick road of the unknown.
The first week was tough. I spent many moments in the councilor’s office crying and she kept saying, “you can do this.” I was a mess at first. I got better. I persevered. I transformed my life forever. I matured! When I finished my studies, it took two attempts to pass my board exam. I did it, I did it, I did it! I am now a Licensed Massage Therapist. It was a happy day for everyone on this journey with me.
My lesson was re-aligning to a new life; yearnings became full of action and trust.
My tears and fears softened.
Possibilities now realities.
I did not want to go back.
Transformation. Abundance. Maturity.
I hope this is sparking your curiosity because I really want you to begin to think about a story of your own – a Hero’s journey story. Discover one you may want to revisit and re-language to change your beliefs. Do you hear a nudge, a yearning?
When re-writing your story, it does not go away. The past is the past, however you can make a conscious choice to move out of fear and pain and to a place healing. This creates a much more whole, authentic person. We can examine your thoughts and beliefs around struggles in your life and begin to open. This will create more certainty of who you want to be now.
I have given you five words for insights:
These words follow the Hero’s Journey path. These words are also the path of how we will work together for more certainty, excitement and truth for your life.
Coaching is primarily about forward movement, taking off blinders, moving road blocks and enriching your soul. As a coach, I will take a stand for your soul.
Let us talk and explore your yearnings and fears. I will listen while you share. I will encourage you to participate in the process. We will re-language your old hurtful story into something more soft, more forgiving. As your thoughts mature, you will become the Hero of your story. I am your accountability partner. We co-create which means we both have a responsibility to your life shift. When it is tough, I am here. When you have that ah-ha moment, I am here. This is your story.